Therapy for Depression

therapy for depression

Our psychology clinic sees many clients seeking psychological therapy for depression. Depression is a term that may describe some or all of the following symptoms: depressed mood, diminished interest or pleasure in most activities, significant weight loss or change in appetite, sleep problems, physical agitation or slowing, fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt, a decrease in concentration or focus, and recurrent thoughts of death and/or suicide.

In addition, these symptoms cause significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning (APA, 2000).

Sadly, the symptoms themselves can often prevent a person from seeking out therapy for depression.

For example, many who are depressed, often feel that their problems are small in comparison to those who are worse off. You may therefore believe that others are more deserving of a psychologist's time and attention. It is also common for people struggling with depression to feel that their situation is hopeless. They may strongly believe that therapy would not help them. As a matter of fact, I talked about such mental obstacles in a video, psychological roadblocks to therapy. Those seeking therapy for depression should try to recognize that this is part of what it is to be depressed. Given the above, it can be very difficult to see a way out of the psychological pain.

Causes of Depression

Most of us are familiar with the word depression. However, the formal diagnostic label of 'Depression' only describes a cluster of signs and symptoms. It does not, in other words, explain how those symptoms came to be, or describe how they are maintained. Indeed, this is more fully explained in one of our blog posts on The Meaning of Mental Illness and Disorder.

Given the above, an important part of therapy involves exploring the root causes of depression and obstacles to feeling better. Our psychologists have years of experience helping people who are depressed. We will use logical and empirically supported treatments to help our clients get 'un-stuck' and reclaim their lives.

Types of Therapy

Depression can take somewhat different forms. For that reason, we do not believe in a ‘one size fits all’ approach, and will tailor our interventions to meet your personal needs. Our psychologists are skilled in both cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic models of therapy. Other approaches, such as motivational-interviewing, Interpersonal, and existential therapies, can also help in recovery from depression.

If you have been in therapy before, let us know what worked or did not work for you. Tell us if you have a hunch about what you are looking for in a successful course of therapy. Also, what you would hope to avoid. Ultimately, the therapist and client should establish a collaborative working relationship to pave a path toward meaningful change.


Psychologists in Halifax provide Therapy for Depression and Suicidal ThinkingSometimes the severity of depression can reach a point where suicide becomes a consideration. The underlying causes that give rise to suicidal thoughts and feelings can vary across individuals. Even so, the act of suicide is almost always an attempt to escape some mental anguish or emotional turmoil. Nevertheless, a completed suicide is very difficult to predict. All suicidal thoughts or feelings should thus be taken seriously. Some especially significant risk factors include:

  • A plan for suicide (thought has been given to how to end one’s life)
  • Means to follow-through with plan for suicide
  • Sense of overwhelming hopelessness or despair about the future
  • Social isolation & lack of a support network
  • The above, combined with impulsivity (heightened by drug or alcohol use)
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If you or someone you love is experiencing suicidal thoughts and feelings, it is important to reach out for help. If you are at immediate risk, we advise you to call 911 or get to a hospital until the crisis passes. Afterwards, it will be important to connect with longer-term supports. This may include a psychologist skilled at working with those experiencing depression and suicidal ideation.

We encourage our clients to talk about their suicidal thoughts and feelings. However, we also encourage clients to think about suicide as a permanent solution to what may be a temporary problem. It is certainly possible for this problem to last weeks, months, or perhaps even years. Yet there is reason to believe that with the right supports change is possible.

Recommended Reading

The Mindfulness Code: Keys for Overcoming Stress, Anxiety, Fear, and Unhappiness (Donald Altman)

This book discusses depression and anxiety within the context of our exceptionally fast-paced modern lifestyle. It uses brain science and mindfulness practice to suggest everyday strategies to foster a less encumbered state of mind. This is a great book for those who wish to explore mindfulness and are new to its practice. Essentially, learning to live more 'in the present moment,' while not allowing more disingenuous states of mind overwhelm us. Several of our clients have found this book to be a helpful adjunct to therapy.


In Search of Happiness: Understanding an Endangered State of Mind (John F. Schumaker)

Schumaker takes us through a thoughtful critique of what it means to be happy in our postmodern age. A time that emphasizes materialist and consumer-driven notions of success and well-being. The reader will begin to question what happiness may mean to them. Schumaker makes a case for sustainable forms of happiness, as opposed to 'working ourselves to death, then spending our money on the biggest coffin we can afford.' While not quite a 'self-help' book, the 'happiness keys' spread throughout the book offer brilliant insights.


American Psychiatric Association (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., Text Revision). Washington, DC.