Therapy for Behaviour Problems
Children (12+)
At our clinic, we may at times consult with parents looking to resolve child behavioural problems. Issues of focus may include: school refusal, inappropriate conduct, disrespectful communication, among others. Working with parents is often the best way to problem-solve behavioural issues and determine a new strategy to evoke meaningful change. Depending on the nature of the issue, or the age of the child, it may also be helpful for the psychologist to meet with the child on their own, or to even meet with the family if there are reasons for doing so.
Children are not the only ones who have behavioural issues that may need addressing. Our adult clients may also look for ways to overcome problematic behaviours, which can include: behavioural addictions, sexual problems, or troublesome behavioural habits. In these cases, a clinician will typically define the issue to be resolved and help the client design a strategy for change. In those cases where a given behaviour may be seen as a 'symptom' of some underlying cause, the psychologist will work collaboratively with a client to explore the root issues and work toward their resolution.